Ready for High School!


 More than a new locker combination, a larger building to get lost in, and a stream of new faces, the new high school student will be greeted by new academic challenges in the fall.  

The high school student will be called upon to do more independent learning than in the lower grades and to use his basic skills on a higher level.  With a solid, strong foundation, the student will be ready. 

Independent learning in high school may extend beyond the material presented in class and that which is available in the text books. It often includes outside research.  High school courses demand a good deal of study and homework time on a daily basis.  Additional hours would be needed for the gathering of information and the writing of reports.  During the high school years, there is usually an increase in extra-curricular social activity. The student will need good study habits and self-discipline more than ever to succeed scholastically.  

High school reading skills build upon fluency and comprehension as well as the ability to analyze and evaluate.  The student will be reading classic as well as modern works of writing. He will be comparing one work of writing with another, one time period with another, one style of writing with another in the study of literature. In addition, he most likely will have to do some creative writing himself.  

Vocabulary will be growing at an increased rate, requiring keen memory and spelling skills.  The student will need good writing skills as he will be expected to organize, summarize, and express his thoughts in short essay responses to questions, in compositions, and in research reports for the majority of his courses.    

The student routinely will have reading assignments.  With history and geography, in addition to learning the facts presented, the student will need to consider the impact of world events and geographical features on current affairs.  The student will develop enhanced comprehension skills as well as a stronger ability to analyze information so as to make predictions concerning outcomes.    

In higher level math courses, the student will need to draw upon prior knowledge as well as new learning to determine the formulas to be used to solve increasingly complex problems.  Critical thinking and abstract mathematical thinking are required to succeed in such subjects as high school algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. 

We’re here to help! At Lear Educational Center we provide individualized academic tutoring on all levels, primary through college, for most subjects and for most standardized tests.  We specialize in teaching students with learning differences. Our students learn foundational skills and strategies so that they can better understand their current coursework and meet the challenges of tomorrow.